måndag 16 december 2013

31 - Thorin (05)

Thorin was not amused by the desperation of the two hobbits who seemed way too eager for their own good to join the group. "If it is death you seek, there are many simpler ways than being eaten by a dragon, stabbed by goblins or crushed by orcs. With all the noise you made just entering this tavern I feel like you would be the death of us all, something I do not wish neither upon myself or my fellow companions." The hobbits didn't seem as cocky as they had been just seconds ago while approaching the table. There might have been some adventurous spirit still in them, but before they had the slightest chance of proving themselves to the dwarves, Thorin continued to outwit them. "Besides, we already have found the greatest thief the Shire has to offer so I would suggest you leave us in peace before I run out of hospitalities and ale to keep my spirits high." Thorin looked upon Gandalf who nodded his big head in agreement while blowing out an impressive circle of smoke from his pipe. As the hobbits backed away silently from the table Thorin took a deep breath from his own, and out came three small rings that passed through what the wizard already had created, still soaring in the air above them.

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Bombur the benevolent sa...
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