måndag 16 december 2013

37 - Balin (06)

“Aye, but I need to finish this beer first, don’t want to insult the barkeeper” Balin answered and raised his glass. Balin was lost in thought and didn’t comprehend and next thing Thorin said. As the rest of the dwarf group got into single file, to leave the tavern, Balin muttered incoherently, something between a “see you later” and “okay”. If he got a response then it was lost upon him. Most of Balin’s abilities have deteriorated through the last years like his spotting, raw strength, conditioning and tolerance for beer and ale. However, he had become quite adapt at hiding his drunkenness, unlike the younger dwarves. Well at least he hoped so, for if experience has taught him anything is that you should think twice before giving praise to yourself. Thorin was proving more and more to be a stable authority figure. An adventuring party without a proper leader would easily loose its purpose, but thanks to Thorin it was just another thing that could go terrible wrong that Balin did not have to worry about. As he thought about Thorin the bizarre words “Dad of the sugar” kept creeping back in his mind. He took a deep breath, shook his head to clear himself of his spinning thoughts and gulped down the last of his beer. He got up and stumbled a bit before he was able to get a steady footing. He smiled to himself and left the tavern out of the front door. He took another deep breath of the fresh air outside and looked down the road to see Bilbo running towards him. “Aye, it’s time for your last adventure old dwarf… To adventure..” Balin whispered to himself with a somber smile.

36 - Thorin (06)

The innkeeper hastily came up with the pitcher, filled with new ale for the grateful Bombur, as he had just gotten out of a lookout shift as well as recieved a fresh ale. "Enough!", Thorin said to the waiter as well as to his fellow dwarves. "It is time for us to leave this place, and even if it weren't the time that were the issue, some of you have had enough to drink for this early hour as well and we have a long journey ahead of us." Fili felt embarrased as it was quite apparent that Thorin was referring to him as the one who had had enough. Thorin arose from the table and lifted his pitcher to the other dwarves. "Finish what you have in your pitchers and then it is time for our adventure to begin. There will be no more beverages like this for quite some time so enjoy it. To adventure!" The other dwarves answered him with a loud "To adventure", and all of them except Balin and Fili chugged the wonderful remains of their glasses. Fili, of course, had nothing left to drink, and Balin would rather enjoy what he had left a little bit longer. "Fili! Kili! Lead us to our means of transportation, as I hope you have prepared them well for us. Balin! If you insist on sitting here alone with your drink I would rather you were at least on the lookout for our two missing companions." Thorin and his entourage thereafter left the tavern in a perfectly straight, single, file, as seems to be the favourite way for dwarves to get from one place to another.

35 - Bombur (07)

  "That is indeed not what I had in mind. Instead, for this inconvenience, how about you take one of my shifts during lookout when we're out camping in the wild?" said Bombur with a wide grin on his face.
  "I think that's a fair compensation for me having to ride all day with beer-soaked breeches, don't you think?"
  "That's a bit..." Fili started, but he realized that he was defeated.

34 - Fili (06)

After gaining his balance Fili turned to face what he believed to be a furious Bombur. "I'm so sorry. That was not my intention" said Fili with a worried voice. "It's fine, it's only beer, but you owe me one" responded Bombur. "Very well I will get you some more ale to drink" said Fili and prepared to run to the innkeeper, "I don't think that's what he meant brother." Said Kili barely able to contain the laughter.

33 - Dori (06)

Dori was still sitting at the table observing his adventure companions. Some of them seemed to be of good cheer thanks to the beer and the pleasant stop at the inn, some of them seemed to be deep in thought and some others seemed to be excited at the idea of taking part in the adventourous mission. Fili and Kili were part of this last group of dwarves. Their young age was certainly influencing their mood and behaviour, and they were so enthusiastic that they couldn't sit still and silent. Suddenly, while the two brothers were shouting and jumping excitedly around, Fili lost his balance and spilled his entire beer in the lap of the surprised Bombur who was enjoying his meal in peace. Dori felt embarresed, and he was sure that he was not the only one around the table feeling that way. "I'll go out and just take some fresh air while you try to recompose yourselves", he said standing up.

32 - Gandalf (06)

It seemed at last as this company were ready to embark on their adventure. Gandalf's worries had subsided as he had climbed down the hill. These dwarves might not be the company the wise lords of Númenor or fair elves of old would have chosen had they set out to slay a dragon, but he felt hope in the darkness. He rose from his chair and grabbed Thorins shoulder: "I believe we might see a dragon after all, young master dwarf. I am glad to see you as the leader of this company." Gandalf turned for the door, hunched over with his back bent. "I will go fetch us our burglar, as we wouldn't want him to become too fond of your absence." With that he stepped through the door and caught a deep breath of the rich air of the Shire before setting course for the Hill.

31 - Thorin (05)

Thorin was not amused by the desperation of the two hobbits who seemed way too eager for their own good to join the group. "If it is death you seek, there are many simpler ways than being eaten by a dragon, stabbed by goblins or crushed by orcs. With all the noise you made just entering this tavern I feel like you would be the death of us all, something I do not wish neither upon myself or my fellow companions." The hobbits didn't seem as cocky as they had been just seconds ago while approaching the table. There might have been some adventurous spirit still in them, but before they had the slightest chance of proving themselves to the dwarves, Thorin continued to outwit them. "Besides, we already have found the greatest thief the Shire has to offer so I would suggest you leave us in peace before I run out of hospitalities and ale to keep my spirits high." Thorin looked upon Gandalf who nodded his big head in agreement while blowing out an impressive circle of smoke from his pipe. As the hobbits backed away silently from the table Thorin took a deep breath from his own, and out came three small rings that passed through what the wizard already had created, still soaring in the air above them.