torsdag 12 december 2013

13 - Bombur (03)

As usual, Bombur was the last dwarf to leave. He didn't quite see why everyone always had to rush things, so he strode outside in a relaxed pace. Yet when it was needed he could be serious enough, and he clearly understood the gravity of the adventure they were just about to undertake. Humming a cheerful tune from the past, the days when they used to wander the lands of men, doing odd jobs for a living, Bombur closed the door to the hobbit hole shut.
  "Let's get going then." he heard Thorin's voice from up ahead.
  "Time to see what Hobbiton has to offer" Bombur remarked to his peers. "Maybe we can find a decent place for some ale?"
  "It's early in the morning! What kind of savage gets drunk before noon?" said Bofur, his brother.
  "As if you're one to talk!" he retorted with a hearty laugh.

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