måndag 16 december 2013

20 - Dori (04)

"Let a wise man take care of it", interrupted Dori and he approached the small hobbit who was rubbing down a beautiful brown pony. "Good morning, sir" "Good morning", replied the hobbit, "What a surprise to talk to such a polite dwarf", he then said. The hobbit had never met a dwarf in his life, but the tales that he heard from the members of his family described them as very rude, greedy and even stinky. "You know, sir, I accompany myself to this group of dwarves, but I am the wise and gentle one", admitted Dori with a smile. And then he added, "Would you be so kind to sell us some of your ponies?". Now he was indeed exaggerating his politeness in order to get a good deal.

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